Home » 2014-15

This page features all the blogs that were written from August 2014 – August 2015, year two of ALC Mosaic. 

You can also search for blogs using the keywords: culture, facilitation, field trip, change up, community, spawn point, math, art, writing, community mastery board, vignette, stories, ALC fiction, networking, conference and more. 

End of Year Student Reflections

June 27, 2015

Our second year of school as ended, and our practices are getting more defined. At the end of last school year, I didn’t provide much by way of documentation for each student. I hadn’t yet had time and space to really think about what I’ve decided to call “responsible documentation.”… Read more


ALC Mosaic 2014-15 Report Card

June 24, 2015

[Please note this is a report card from the Branches campus, not Roots!] Report Card….Whaaaa???? Some of the kids asked me in the spring for a report card. When you are running a school with no grades, where you are hoping to foster an environment where people are intrinsically motivated,… Read more


Schooling the World

June 16, 2015

This film is incredible. I hope that there are parents and ALFs in our ALC Mosaic, Agile Learning Center, and Agile Learning Facilitators network that are willing to watch this film and share it if they so feel moved. Please click here to watch Schooling The World. Many people feel… Read more


Wedding Vow

May 21, 2015

I had the pleasure of marrying @Tomis last Thursday, May 14th, 2015, on my 32nd birthday. I am so grateful to have gotten married at my place of work, with all of the people I see daily. I’m thankful that the kids at school, who have watched the love between Tomis and… Read more


The Tiny House Movement & Accountability

April 26, 2015

On the Tiny House Movement Over the school year, I’ve become more and more fascinated by the Tiny House movement. I’ve watched the Tiny movie with the kids at school, as well as Tiny House Nation on Amazon Instant Video at home, and I follow the movement on social media… Read more


Our Magic Book Movie!

April 21, 2015

Imaginon, one of our most frequented places to visit for its Children Theater Productions, also has a special place in their Teen Loft called Studio i. Apparently this is very underutilized which is a shame! I think more people just need to know that this place exists – and is… Read more


What Do You See Happening in Education in the next 10-15 Years?

April 16, 2015

It is the last day to apply for our ALF Summer Program. In the last 24 hours we’ve had a lot of applications come in! It’s exciting. It’s exhilarating. Reading each application brings so much energy to me. Our second summer program has attracted some incredible people who are all working… Read more


Facilitating vs. Policing

April 5, 2015

I’m an Agile Learning Facilitator (ALF), at least that’s what I’m always striving to be. What does being an ALF mean? I am working on an entirely separate post about that, but what I’d like to share here is a beautiful excerpt I found on a blog from Lisa Nalbone… Read more


Trip to the Vet

March 31, 2015

We are just returning from a trip to the Veterinarian and I’ve asked the students who came on the trip to blog their reflections right after while it’s still fresh on their minds. Since one thing we believe in is “medium is the message,” I’m also going to blog about… Read more


Inter-ALC Mixing & Why I Love It!

March 6, 2015

We Are Not Alone! Inter-ALC mixing, it’s what keeps us a community. I remember my time teaching in a small private school before opening Mosaic. I was one of two full-time teachers and it got lonely. We had our ideas and would collaborate together, but I always wanted more people… Read more


What are you most excited to do today?

February 24, 2015

We start our days at ALC Mosaic with what’s called a “Stand Up Meeting.” It’s one of our borrowed Agile Practices (you can read about more other tools & practices here): The daily stand-up meetings happen in the morning and are conducted, not surprisingly, while participants stand. Standing keeps the… Read more


Highlights, Upgrades & Intentions

February 21, 2015

We were only open three days this week due to the icy weather! I thought we’d get away with no ice or snow this year, but it didn’t happen. In this blog post, I’m going to share Highlights From This Week, Upgrades I’m Working On, and some Personal Intentions.   Highlights… Read more


This week in review

February 14, 2015

I’m enjoying the efforts @Lacy and I have been making to collaborate more. (Lacy started this beautiful school with me and several other families throughout 2013, and now runs the ALC Mosaic early childhood program). She’s someone I admire a lot and miss seeing on a daily basis. One day… Read more


Mosaic Magic

February 9, 2015

Sometimes when we describe ALC days to parents, we will share about our morning and afternoon meetings sandwiching the bulk of our day: 10-3pm a time that we call “THE MAGIC.” I haven’t been blogging lately, and this has been weighing on my mind! Now that I am spending most… Read more


Agile Programming for the School

January 11, 2015

Bruce Feiler’s TED Talk “Agile Programming – For Your Family” gives suggestions, practical tips, and real life examples of how Agile tools and practices can help create a happy home life. Many of our ALFs are aware of this TED talk, and we use it to inspire how we can… Read more


FAQ Question 1: How Will My Child Learn To Read?

January 5, 2015

In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be posting on this blog answers to frequently asked questions I receive from parents interested in having their child attend ALC Mosaic. I’m inviting feedback to help make the responses to these questions clear & concise, yet also thorough enough to feel adequately answered. If… Read more


What do Students Want From Educators?

January 4, 2015

Lisa Nielson, the blogger behind The Innovative Educator,  recently published her blog’s top posts of all time (well since Google Analytics, came around in 2010). I had to check the list out, and found this gem from 2011. The post covers a student panel hosted by Ann Curry and Education… Read more


Gratitude in Drawings

December 20, 2014

Something I have shifted to realizing now in my 30’s is that expressing gratitude regularly can have a profound effect on your life. What I am finding is that when I take the time to be grateful for all that I have in life, I stop playing the “I’ll be… Read more


What I’ve Discovered This Week

December 14, 2014

Well, I’ve been really enjoying school lately. With the working groups and @Tomis keeping their eyes on admin tasks, I’ve been purely focusing on connection with the kids. It’s been amazing. Here’s what I’ve discovered about our community this week:    1) Kids take charge! Our school is becoming less… Read more


“Help! My Child is Obsessed With ___________”

December 14, 2014

On Thursday evening I found myself sitting across my dining room table watching a friend of mine crying over how I’ve vanished from the life of her family. Now, to rewind, she reached out to me the weekend before asking if we could connect and catch up. Looking through our… Read more


Uncovering Origins to Inform Our Decisions

December 7, 2014

On Thursday, Alona came to our small group room with a book from our library called The Book of Origins. She was feeling like having a lazy start to her day since she hurt her Achilles tendon at dance practice the day before. I leaned over to check out the… Read more


Re-visiting My Roots

November 30, 2014

I remember thinking that there would be no book that would affect me like A.S. Neill‘s Summerhill when I read it. I read Summerhill during the AERO school starter course led by Jerry Mintz four months before I opened The Mosaic School, LLC in January of 2013. After reading Neill’s book I felt… Read more


Werewolves & How We Learn

November 23, 2014

Werewolves. It’s totally trending in ALC’s. When the students came to visit from ALC Cloudhouse, they taught our kids this fantasy role-playing game that has recently made a huge surge in play. What is Werewolves? Do you remember the game Mafia? It’s pretty much like that except we aren’t pretending… Read more


In-ergize Charlotte

November 16, 2014

Today I had the opportunity to attend a local event, In-ergize Charlotte, with Kristen and Gaby (two parents of children at ALC Mosaic). The theme of this event was to “Be Awake, Be Authentic, Be Audacious.” As we were driving to the event, we were of course talking about school!… Read more


The Opportunity in Conflict

November 9, 2014

When I taught conflict resolution to kids in the past, I always started with the question, “What is Conflict?” to create a dynamic list of all the ways conflict shows up in our lives. Conflict happens. The point that I always stress to students is that how we respond to conflict… Read more


Highlights from the week – October 27-31

October 31, 2014

This week was full of ease and flow. I feel like we are harvesting right now the fruits of having a group of kids that has been working on how to be in community with one another for over a year now. Some quick highlights from the week: I visited… Read more


Visiting Endor Initiative: Self-Directed Learning for Teens & Budding ALC!

October 29, 2014

After a whirlwind weekend making it to two weddings in Virginia and Maryland, I arrived back to my home in Charlotte 9pm Sunday night to meet @Alonalearning. She was spending the night because we were waking up at 6:45am to head to Endor Initiative with @Gabe. Liam Nilson is running this… Read more


Intentions & last week’s failure…

October 28, 2014

Intentions for the week:  Create a mail chimp fundraiser for the school Prep some ideas I’d like to share about school structures at our community meeting Create a clear admissions process with the admissions working group Support Isabella with Fall Festival planning Work with students on designing the perfect school… Read more


Movie Day Reflection

October 23, 2014

    Movie Day happened today! One of our students, Nate, added planning a movie day to our “Seeds to Bloom” board (You can read more about what that is in our Tools & Practices forum) a few weeks ago. Today our Movie Day was in full bloom! At the end… Read more


Week 1 after ALF Weekend…the journey continues

October 19, 2014

It seemed like @Charlotte, @dinospumoni, and @dthomasson and I were fueled by fire after leaving Chatham last week. The magic of the Quaker Intentional Village Community and being with other ALFers is something that stays with me…and I can see it staying with Charlotte, Dean and Dan too.   What have we… Read more


ALF Weekend #1 @ Cloudhouse in Chatham, NY

October 13, 2014

Well, ALF summer has come and gone and we’ve all gotten started with our various schools/homeschool groups. We’ve spent a few weeks open and operational, and converged the past weekend at our ALC Cloudhouse location in Chatham, NY for our first ALF Weekend! We gathered for the following purposes:  Facilitators to… Read more


What if…? Vegas, Baby!

October 4, 2014

I just signed up to attend The What if…? Conference again – this time in Vegas, baby! Last March I attended The What if…? Conference in Columbia, MO as a presenter on the topic, “What if More People Were Happy?” (As a side note, I wasn’t crazy about this title, feeling… Read more


BIF10 Highlights and A Random Act of Collision

September 28, 2014

I heard about the Business Innovation Factory (BIF) last year while attending the International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC) in Boulder, Colorado. A friend I met there, Matt Murrie, had attended BIF for a couple years and raved about this event where “innovation junkies” come together to share ideas and create… Read more


Musings From Week 4 of School

September 14, 2014

I can’t believe we just finished our 4th full week of school! It’s incredible how much things have shifted for us in just a month. We had a just a short summer break – 2 weeks long, with 2 weeks of summer camp for most of our kids thrown in… Read more


Sept 3, 2014 – Math Club

September 9, 2014

Yesterday I proposed a “Math Club” at ALC Mosaic. Last year, we had a bunch of kids working on Algebra with me and I thought there would be interest. …but only Charlotte came! So what did we do? We decided to hold coherence for math at ALC Mosaic anyway. And… Read more


August 28, 2014 – “Alone, Together”

September 9, 2014

This week I had one kiddo in my small group announce that he wanted to be a leader. When our small group discussed what that meant to him, at first the idea was to tell people when to do things. For example, when to eat lunch, when to read books,… Read more
